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Facebook 廣告五大錯誤你犯了嗎?

5 Facebook Advertising Mistakes Are You Making?

Facebook has a strong community power, and both big brands and small businesses are starting to place ads on it to increase visibility. However, according to a survey by foreign institutions, 61% of cross-border e-commerce sellers believe that the biggest challenge in their work is how to improve the ROI on social networking sites. The report also pointed out that only 9.4% of the sellers surveyed could actually track the revenue generated from social networking sites.

Facebook is recognized as a social platform with strong marketing effects, but if you have been advertising on it and have not seen obvious results, don't be too frustrated. As can be seen from the above survey, this situation is very common. There are 5 reasons why ads on Facebook are not performing well:

1. Ads are not precisely targeted

Facebook clicks aren't cheap, don't waste your money putting ads on people who are "likely, maybe, maybe" interested. There are many advertisers who only target regions when they advertise, and may also select criteria such as gender and age, and then advertise their ads.

Targeting your ads correctly has two main points: targeting a segment of your audience, and then crafting content that's relevant to that segment.

The next time you run a Facebook ad, try to target the user's interests or life events, and the content of the ad should be tailored to this audience. This ensures that only genuine potential customers will click on your ad.

2. No cross-comparison of Facebook data

A beauty company once advertised on Facebook and spent $600,000, but it didn’t get the same effect. The reason is that the ad has a lot of fake clicks and comments. This case is quite extreme, but it also shows the importance of referring to third-party performance data reports when advertising.

When using Facebook ads, you can:

Directs users to the landing page of the website, where conversions can be recorded with Google Analytics

Using Google's UTM Parameters

If your site uses WordPress, use Jetpack or Stats to see how much traffic is coming from Facebook

Create forms with automated marketing systems like Marketo or Salesforce and track where users come from and whether they fill out the form

Track click traffic from Facebook and Google with tools like Nielsen and Bitly

3. Have not found a suitable advertising format

There are many forms of advertising on Facebook. If you use one and find that it is not effective, you can try another method, which may be more suitable for the preferences of the specific group you are targeting.

For example, the following different advertising methods are possible:

· Page Like Ads

· Slideshow Ads

· Website Conversions

· Click-to-Website Ads

· Offer Claims Ads

· Local Awareness Ads

· Canvas Ads

· Carousel Format

· Dynamic Ads

· Lead Ads

· Event Response Ads

· App Installs & Engagement

· Video Views

The items listed above have not covered all the forms of advertisements, and besides the forms of advertisements, you can also adjust the target group you lock in, or change the content of the advertisements. There will be countless changes in the arrangement and combination.

There are some well-made ad content that can be used in another ad format without having to redo it all.

4. Unutilized Remarketing

Remarketing is a common practice in search engine marketing campaigns, where ads are targeted to consumers who are already familiar with the brand. Adding a Pixel to a website can place Display ads to people who have visited the website.

You can do a similar thing on Facebook, use Retargeting to deliver ads to people who have seen you, and combine ads with familiarity with your brand and products to increase conversion rates.

5. There are no ordinary consumers in the advertisement

Many cases prove that the persuasive power of real users is much higher than that of flashy advertisements. In fact, 85% of consumers trust the opinions of other consumers more than brands themselves sell themselves in advertising. So, promote videos of some users saying what they say, or retweet examples of other people using the product on Facebook.

Another way is to collect ideas online, and then use these ideas from consumers to make an advertisement.

Create ads that people want to see

Internet marketing is highly competitive, with countless vendors trying to push their ads across all channels. As a result, sometimes ads on Facebook can appear to be ineffective because users get bored with too many ads and often skip them without taking a second look.

Therefore, it is even more important to target interested audiences. Select the target group you want in detail and create content that they are interested in, so that your ad can stand out among many messages and grab their attention at first sight. Because your Facebook ad is something people want to see, it can make a big difference.

With the continuous improvement of Facebook's status in the social media industry, most cross-border e-commerce companies also choose Facebook for marketing. What are Facebook Marketing Tips?

1. Make full use of existing platforms.

Many e-commerce sellers will not only choose to drain on social media platforms, but also set up existing social channel information on their personal website, so that customers who enter the home page know that you also have relevant account information on other channels, so that customers can enter through the link Other platforms interact with you.

At this point, some sellers may be skeptical, will this work? The answer is yes. Don't use our way of thinking to think about foreign users. Foreign users are more sophisticated and serious than us when it comes to shopping. They will choose to investigate your product quality through multiple platforms.

2. Set up social signatures.

If most of your communication with your users is via email, you can set your social platform information in email to increase your focus accordingly. When setting up related information, you can not only set your signature, but also set up your related event links, so that you can send corresponding emails when you have a large event, so as to achieve the effect of event promotion.

3. Facebook promotion.

With a Facebook marketing account, the drainage platform is ready to conduct offline publicity and bring in some fans, but it should be noted that the added fan information may not last long. When we find that this is not the information we need, we can also customize the corresponding card and add a short link of Facebook on the card to increase the exposure of Facebook; when the card is made, you can put it in the package .

If you need Facebook's publicity, you can also make a plan according to your own way, which will be more targeted. The above content hopes to be helpful to sellers, and also hope to help sellers to open up Facebook marketing ideas.

