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[Lending Philosophy] Borrowing money because you are poor? Is it an investment? Can you earn the interest difference first? Explain that some people are getting poorer the more they borrow? Do you want to borrow money from the rich? Let's disassemble it together!

Do you have to borrow money first? Know how to borrow money, leverage your life at any time, and return at least 5%! Many times we have heard people who borrow money to turn around when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, or fight for money and can't pay it back after 10 years. In fact, it is a good thing to know how to borrow and borrow money/loan.

In fact, the reason is very simple, it is the interest difference. Although the interest rate hike cycle is approaching, the average annual interest rate does not exceed 3% (the loan interest rate is lower than 2% before the interest rate increase). Suppose you borrow money and buy an 8% dividend fund. And don't use the money to go to prostitutes, gambling, drinking, and earning a 5% interest difference in one year. Of course, you can afford it.

For example, if you have the ability to borrow 500,000 yuan and pay it back in 4 years, Za Bank’s current loan interest rate is about 2.75%. Assuming that the money borrowed from Li is invested in a stable dividend-paying fund that pays 8% per year, it will make a tight profit in just one year. 5.25%, do the math and earn $26,250 in one year and $105,000 in four years!

All you have to do is to repay the bank regularly and earn interest, and the most important point is that you don't need real money to invest 500,000!

A lot of people will ask me not to take my own money, but many times they don't realize that time is a cost. Suppose there are two people, Mr. A and Mr. B. , He only used 500,000 on hand to buy a dividend-paying fund with a return of 8%. After five years, he would earn 200,000; on the contrary, in addition to using the 500,000 on hand to buy a dividend-paying fund with the same return, Mr. 500,000, assuming the same interest on borrowing money, he will earn $331,250 after five years! That's 65% more!

Therefore, in some cases, borrowing money/loan is a good thing. In fact, many rich people will borrow money. For example, Zuckerberg, the leader of Facebook, has enough cash to buy a luxury house, but he chooses to take loans.

The concept is, suppose there is a building with a floor of 5 million, and it will rise to 8 million in three years. Will you pay the full five million to earn three million, or pay 10% of the first $500,000 to earn 3 million? In fact, there is no standard answer, because some people will choose conservative, and some people will choose aggressive!

Speaking of which is about the same, if you want to borrow money from ZA BANK, please enter my invitation code K5TEF2, Lishen, I will have a cash reward rack! If you want to know the tight 8% monthly dividend paid by the Dividend-Only Fund, please PM me! Below is my facebook messenger link for everyone! If you know of an investment tool with low risk and high dividend payout, please feel free to leave a message below and let me know! K5TEF2For declaration of interests, our department will have a cash prize rack! If you want to know the tight 8% monthly dividend paid by the Dividend-Only Fund, please PM me! ! If you know of some low-risk and high-dividend investment vehicles, please feel free to let me know!

Finally put on a helmet first,Borrow or not, it is good to borrow when you have ability to repay!This is all my personal opinion, not investment advice, investment is risky! Everyone needs to think independently! 

